Friday, September 4, 2009

September 4, 2009

Today was our first day in 2nd grade TAG.

Here are some things we learned today.

There are four types of taste buds. - Josh

There are little hairs under your taste buds that go to your brain to tell it what the taste is. - Ford

The hairs are called microvilli. - Britta

There are olfactory glands in your nose. - Erin

The taste buds are not the bumps on your tongue. Those bumps are called papillae. Underneath those bumps are taste buds. - Hunter

Taste buds taste bitter, sour, sweet and salty. - Noah

If you close your nose, the olfactory glands aren't strong enough to smell. - Emma

If you close your nose, you can't taste anything. - Bailey

Your tongue helps you talk. - Charlie

1 comment:

  1. In the bumps on your tongue are taste buds.In the taste buds are hair that give signals to the brain. - Natania
